Don’t guess! Find Your Perfect Time to Click Post on Your Next Blog.

The best marketing strategies rely on relevant, quality content marketing to create engagement and drive traffic deeper into your marketing funnel. 

Amazing content – whether written, audio, or video – helps brands engage and build relationships with customers and leads. 

Creating relatable and insightful content is one of the best methods to get eyeballs on your brand and therefore get your message to people without resorting to any advertising. It is therefore essential that the content you produce is useful – answering your target audiences questions – as well as visible to them and does not get lost in the sea of content of the internet.

Benefits of Blogging

Believe it or not, there’s an ongoing debate on whether or not blogging is still relevant. Whether you think blogging is outdated or not (we definitely think it is!), it is still an essential part of any content marketing strategy. 

The Pros:

  • Drives traffic to your website
  • Improves Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking 
  • Develop customer/lead relationships by deepening and expanding the materials you use in your conversations (on- and offline)
  • Position your brand as an industry leader

The Cons:

  • It takes time and skills to create quality relevant blog posts
  • Hiring out for content creation can be tricky and expensive – you need to ensure your company’s voice is well represented. It may take a few tries to find the right copywriter.

In short, the benefits outweigh the negatives. Set manageable goals and find a writer or write it yourself. As a Subject Matter Expert, your voice has an excellent chance of resonating with your audience – even if you aren’t a natural-born Hemingway. Dive in and make it happen! 

Already have? Well, there’s a high chance that you’re awesome content didn’t produce the success you wanted from it. As they say, ”Timing is everything.”

Posting At The Perfect Time

Once you have a beautifully written blog post, it is time to post it. The one thing that many businesses forget when it comes to their blogs is that when you publish your content is as important as what and where you post! 

On the vast, global internet, content is consumed 24/7. 

For the most significant impact and reach, you need to know where the majority of your target audience is based. If your target audience is in the USA, for example, you need to post at a time that accommodates both the east and west coasts. However, there are specific times that are best to publish blog posts, which include the following:

  • Between 7 am and 9 am – During these morning hours, consumers are often commuting to work on public transport or in a carpool. Also, they are most likely on their phones consuming content.
  • Between 12 pm and 2 pm – Lunchtime is a great time to post as everyone is having a break, grabbing a bite to eat, and consuming your content with the office WiFi.
  • Between 9 pm and 10 pm – Yes, this is relatively late, but most people scroll through social media and blogs while unwinding in bed at night.

Depending on your target audience, you can pick one or more of these time slots to post your content. Working moms might enjoy the late-night content, while students may enjoy lunchtime content.

The decision depends on you and your target audience!

Interested in learning more about Elevated’s Strategic Content Services? Book a meeting with us today for a no-obligation, free assessment.

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